Why I’m Off the Fence About Israel’s War - Konstantin Kisin I'm off the fence about Israel's war, here's why... Previous BLIND SPOT TRAILER Next "The Future of Campus Antisemitism after October 7" - Cary Nelson You Might Also Like The Allure of Dead Jews: A Conversation with Dara Horn "Myths and Realities about Israel's Establishment" - Jeffrey Herf #6 Israel-Palestine: Defining Collective Identity - Muhammad Zoabi 100th Anniversary of the Balfour Declaration Shmuley Boteach - Hamas is a Greater Obstacle to Peace Than Israel
Why I’m Off the Fence About Israel’s War - Konstantin Kisin I'm off the fence about Israel's war, here's why... Previous BLIND SPOT TRAILER Next "The Future of Campus Antisemitism after October 7" - Cary Nelson You Might Also Like The Allure of Dead Jews: A Conversation with Dara Horn "Myths and Realities about Israel's Establishment" - Jeffrey Herf #6 Israel-Palestine: Defining Collective Identity - Muhammad Zoabi 100th Anniversary of the Balfour Declaration Shmuley Boteach - Hamas is a Greater Obstacle to Peace Than Israel